The shape you see here is a mobius strip, a one-sided surface. Try running a finger on the edge of the artifact and you will notice that it allows you to run it at both sides of the shape without requiring you to lift your finger from the surface. I chose this shape because it is an embodiment of life. While we live through life chasing virtues and avoiding vices , trying to make sense of what's good and bad, we often view it as opposites. If you are good you cannot be bad, if you are virtuous , you cannot be villainous. The reality is that life though, and how we live it, is much more like a mobius strip, where virtues and vices exist on the same surface. Anyone who interacts with this shape will realize that it is impossible to visually or physically separate the surface as front and back / inside and outside, as there is only one edge, or as in my mind, one truth, and that is of 'being'. Everything else is just an illusion.
Gestalt : organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. That's what this artifact is all about. The circle is divided into two parts but it is hard to imagine any one part as anything other than a circle. A circle has fluidity, an unending movement. This movement is something that doesn't break even when the shape is broken. The beauty of an arc is the promise it holds, that of a complete circle. And when you look at two arcs, there is the promise of two circles. And when they come together, they also form another circle. Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its parts. Thus gestalt.