Become a Member

Membership is OPEN TO EVERYONE interested in Indian ceramics – practicing professionals, teachers, students, curators, writers and all enthusiasts and supporters of Indian Ceramic arts and crafts. Membership is annual from your date of joining and you can start enjoying our many available MEMBER’s BENEFITS INSTANTLY.

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Membership Fees - (Rs.3500/yr)

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Brief Description about yourself (Not more than 100 words)

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Benefits of Membership

  • association-features ExhibitionsAnnual Exhibition to support Indian Ceramic artists
  • association-features Artist Profile Share your profile on ICAF Social media to reach wider audience.
  • association-features ConnectConnect with the Indian ceramic arts community via our Journal/Magazine - in near future and the Indian Ceramics Directory.
  • association-features Special Projects Every year, the association will invite interested members to submit project proposals of research in Ceramic arts and crafts based on a particular theme/subject for which a special jury will decide the winning proposal that will be given a grant.
  • association-features Studio Practice Join our annual Indian Ceramics Open Studios – open your studio or visit others in the wider ceramic community.
  • association-features ArchivesBecome a member and get access to Archives of Indian Ceramic arts and crafts.
  • association-features Events & Workshops Receive exclusive member’s priority and discount

We would like to express our immense gratitude towards the following organisations and individuals for their unbiased support and contribution like valuable information, texts, photographs and videos while the making of this website. “Marg” Magazine, Kristine Michael, Jyoti Bhatt, and Alpesh Gajjar.